© Feel Better Naturally LLC 2010
Feel Better Naturally L.L.C. Tina Williams Certified Colon Hydrotherapy Therapist 1051 East Bogard Road #14 Wasilla, Alaska 1-907-631-0530
DETOXIFY-REJUVENATE-RELAX     Please feel free to join Feel Better Naturally l.l.c. in achieving your optimal health goals. Detoxification is critical in achieving proper nutrition and optimal health.  Far Infrared Saunas are used for many purposes:removal of toxins, cardiovascular conditioning, improved skin conditions, caloric consumption (a single sauna session can burn 600 - 900 calories), improved circulation and stress relief. An important effect is strengthening resistance against disease, reducing fatigue and stress as well as accelerating metabolism. There are proven outstanding benefits:expelling body waste,relieving pain,provide weight loss,improved blood pressure and improved immune system.  The Far Infrared Sauna even stimulates production of endorphins (the happy drug) leaving you feeling positive and energetic. Endorphins released, are  also the bodys natural pain relieving chemical.   Increasing blood flow accelerates the body's natural healing process. Research shows a deeper sleep can result from using a Far Infrared Sauna. Deep sweating has multiple health benefits. Deep sweating in a sauna can help reduce levels of: lead, copper, zinc, nickel and mercury, all common toxins in our environment.  The skin is cleansed and dead cells are replaced, keeping it in good working condition. Cleaning the pores improves the capillary circulation and gives the skin a soft, beautiful appearance. Far Infrared Sauna sessions increase the production of white blood cells which helps kill viruses and illness. Sinus congestion is also relieved from colds and allergies.  Here at Feel Better Naturallyl.l.c. you can sauna by yourself or bring a friend. It not only feels good......it is good for you !!!  A pampering retreat to relax and restore  body and soul. It truely makes you "Feel Better", "Look Better" and "Sleep Better".     Bring your spouse, couples packages also offered !! Feel Better Naturallyl.l.c. : Better Mind + Better Body = Better Spirit
Far Infrared Sauna
Colonics $120 per session Far Infrared Sauna is $60, additional person or time in the Sauna $80 The time on the colonics is a 45 min. session, The far infrared sauna is a 40 min. session  
I provide before and after hour services at no extra charge
No show fee is $30